Red fox

Binomial name: Vulpes vulpes

Basic characteristics
Body: Long bushy tail with a white tip, and large dark ears.
Color: Grayish-russet to yellow-grey coat with a dark dorsal band running from the tail to the head.
Size: Shoulder height 30 cm, 52-66 cm in lenght.
Weight: 4-10 Kg.
Dropping: Sauage shaped, 8-15 cm long, 2 cm thick, spirally twisted and pointed at one end. Color varies from black to grey depending on the diet. Contains fur, feathers, and bone fragments from rodents and birds. They might often contain chitin from insects.

The red fox is found in a wide range of habits, but tries to avoid desert areas. It can often be found around human habitats and agricultural lands. Althought it is mostly nocturnal, animals can be active during daytime hours. Their dens are usually dug on the sides of hills in protected areas.

Feeding habits: Omnivore
Fruits, insects, rodents and reptiles.

Natural predator(s)
• Wolves • Hyenas

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