Binomial name: Sus scrofa
Basic characteristics
• Body: Large typical pig, elongated forehead with muscular broad long snout, relatively short tusks. Ears are erect, pointed and large. Tail relatively short.
• Color:
|. Piglet: Soft brown with longitudinal dark stripes.
||. Adult: Grizzled grey or brown
• Size: 120-180 cm in lenght and around 90 cm shoiulder height.
• Weight: 50-90 Kg.
• Dropping: Sausage shape, consisting of elongated balls, stuck or more or less fused together.
Wild boar live in groups called sounders; these groups typically contain 20 animals. The wild boar is usually crepuscular, foraging from dusk till dawn but with resting periods during both night and day. Adult males are not part of the sounder outside of a breeding cycle, and are usually found alone. Birth, called farrowing, usually occurs ni a secluded area away from the sounder; a litter will typically contain 8-12 piglets. Wild bpar is the only hoofed animal known to dig burrows.
Feeding habits: Omnivore
They eat anything they come accross including grass, nuts, berries, carrion, roots, insects and even young lambs.
Natural predator(s)
• Humans ( hunting ) • Wolves • Hyenas