Wild cat

Binomial name: Felis silvestris

Basic characteristics
Body: Thick and grizzled fur, small ears that lack a tuft; its small and about the size of a house cat.

Color: Overall color of the body is pale sandy brown to light or dark grey.

Size: Shoulder height 35 cm. 45-67 cm in lenght, the tail is 26-36 cm long ( with a black tip ).
Weight: 2.5-6 Kg.
Dropping: Sausage shape, usually 6-8 cm long, strong-smelling dropping mainly to warn other cats of territory limits.

Wild cats found in a wide range of habitats, but they are absent from the heart of true deserts. They are solitary, except during the breeding period and when the young accompany females. They are nocturnal and can be found during the day lying in dense vegetation, rock crevices, trees and borrows dug by other species. Wild cats are also known to dig their own shelter. Making and establishing of territories are done by both sexes. 2-5 young are born in la litter.

Feeding habits: Carnivore
Small rodents, young hares, hyraxes, birds, rarely reptiles and insects; plants are unimportant parts of its meal.

Natural predator(s)
• Jackals • Wolves • Hyenas

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