Spreading on the foothills of Mount Makmel, it is the southernmost limit of the distribution of Cilician fir (Abies
cilicica) populations in the Northern Hemisphere. The Reserve embraces unique assemblage of conifers,
deciduous and evergreen broadleaf trees. It hosts the last remaining population of the endemic wild apple (Malus
trilobata) of Lebanon. The reserve is refuge for unique gems of plants and animals found only in Lebanon or
distributed in the eastern Mediterranean and known as globally and nationally rare and threatened.

The forest harbors 39 trees species , is recognized to be the southernmost limit of the cilician fir. HENR is the only protected area in lebanon containing the last remaining forest community of the wild apple.

The forest is home to more than 1,030 plant species of which 10 are endemic to the Reserve. 126 are globally and nationally threatened species, 115 are endemic to Lebanon or the neighboring countries, 78 have medicinal potential, 100 are considered as indicator and keystone species, 5 are species with commercial value, 113 are highland species, and 212 rare species, and 70 species were given the name of Lebanon, while 229 species are restricted to the Eastern Mediterranean or Middle East area and 237 species are globally found.

The forest harbors approximately 300 mushroom species among which 83 sprouts in fall and winter, and 7 during spring.

The forest is home to 27 species of Mammals with 11 globally threatened species including Canis lupus pallipes, Hyaena hyaena syriaca, Mustella nivalis and Dryomis nitedula phrygius, 1 locally threatened, and in the process of extinction which is the grey wolf (Canis lupus).

A survey recorded a total of 23 species of Amphibians (4 species) and Reptiles (19). Of those species, there is one who is a globally threatened species (Chamaeleo chamaeleon) and 19 species are regional or local species which are threatened in Lebanon.

Lebanon harbors around 165 species of butterflies of which 45 species are endemic and 20 species are threatened or near threatened. Horsh ehden nature with its diverse and exceptionally rich flora is a hot spot for butterflies where the number of species exceeds 60 species.

An impressive 168 bird species, all native, were recorded in the Reserve. The forest is home to 69 breeding bird species, almost 18% of the breeding species of Lebanon. Among those bird species: 4 globally threatened species: Aegypius monachus, Aquila heliaca, Falco naummani and Crex crex; 9 regionally threatened species: Ciconia ciconia, Pernis apivorus, Neophron percnopterus, Gyps fulvus, Accipiter brevipes, Aquila clanga, Aquila pomarina, Falco cherrug and Falco biarmicus; 5 endemic species to the Middle East: Oenanthe finschii, Irania gutturalis, Hippolais languida, Sylvia mystacea and Serinus syriacus; 110 species are passage migrants and or winter visitors: white pelican, corn crache