Binomial name: Canis aureus syriacus
Basic characteristics
• Body: Skull is similar to that of a dog, but it has larger canines.
• Color: Pale golden-brown coat with a little bit of black and grey hair on the back and sides. Tail tip is always dark or black.
• Size :Measures 60–90 cm in body length, 20–30 cm in tail length, 15–18 cm in head length.
• Weight: 6–15 kg.
• Dropping: Contains remains of fruits, insects and bones for small rodents.
Occupy a wide range of habitats, from forests to deserts, from sea level to high altitudes. Jackals can be nocturnal or diurnal depending on the season and the level of human disturbane. Jackals are found together in places where food is abundant. Up to 20 jackals can be found together, but these gatherings are temporary. Several animals may cooperate in the hunting of large prey. When a pair mates, they mate for life and together defend tehir tirritory.
Feeding habits: Fruit and insects to small ungulates and domestic livestock.
Natural predator(s)
- Human
- Hyenas
- Wolves